Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cabbages and Rueben

Rueben is doing so well at home! Some of the children from Mercy Home and I walked down yesterday afternoon, to see how things were....I bought one big cabbage and was given another one,and some oranges, so after school some eager children walked down the dusty road (with me) to their house. Rueben is a bit of a little character at his own place.
He had a squirt bottle(plastic water bottle) and was managing to squirt his siblings,and having a good laugh,too. Margaret was to take him for physiotherapy today in Kitale. I sent Samwell, one of our oldest boys, to see what exercises they would suggested. I am hoping she can learn them at home. It is a long way to Kitale for the physio. We shall see how it works out.
The tomatoes are up at least six inches now in the Mercy Home.
The little chicks are doing well, too. The broilers are four weeks old now, so they will look at marketing them soon.
Detty is doing well, learning curve is steep, but we thank God for her coming to join us in Kenya. God is working, as we see His hand daily in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. "God is working, as we see His hand daily in our lives."

    What a beautiful picture. Praise God for how He is using your team in wonderful ways. :-)
