Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well, things are really whizzing by now. One more Mama's Bible study, one more Come together(for four of us), and each day goes so quickly now. The kids have enjoyed having some much younger mzungus around(besides David and Candice) as our son Graham and his wife Brenda are here for 10 days. The shyness of the first day or two has changed to hand holding and teasing and much closer contact.
The tomatoes are doing well, and some have little tomatoes on them. The greenhouse ones are doing much better than the ones outside. The past few days have been cool and wet, not the usual for us here in beautiful green Kenya.
Our broilers are ready for market but appear a bit smaller than the first ones. Some of the restaurants want them a bit bigger.
Mercy Family Church is going well. The worship team does such a great job, with no power, except a battery to run the keyboard. Hopefully, the electricity is imminent, with the transformer coming last week, while David was spending a night at Mercy Home.They used a pulley to haul it up into place, and flashlights to see. Talk about power!!
For me, I have really enjoy the 5 months here at Mercy Home. The highlights have been seeing the big boys and girls who are growing to be great young people of God. When I text them on my cell phone to encourage them...they really encourage me! Also being with the children in their classes, although I have not been able to do that as much as I hoped. The staff have been fantastic to work with, and of course, the Mamas of Mercy Family Church. I know I will have tears as I well as the rest of our team, but Mercy Home is in God's Hands...and He cares and provides beyond anything we could ever do or imagine.

1 comment:

  1. This will be a very fast week for the 3 of you. Also a very sad one as you leave after almost 1/2 year with the wonderful kids at MH. I know a little of how you are feeling right now. Have a wonderful time on you vacation in M. Detty
