Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rueben part 3 -kuku and Gifted Hands-letters of love

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and if I had the right camera cord, I could have posted a picture of Rueben walking down the aisle of the ward and out the door, down the pavement, step by step, very pleased with himself. It was truly a sight to behold. Praise God for answers to Prayers. The doctors are extremely happy with his progress, and at this point they are NOT talking about the skin grafts.
Thanks to all of the Mercy Home supporters for all your prayers. We know that many of you were upholding little Rueben in your prayers.
At the farm, the broilers are gone, more are coming, and there is two hundred layers, and 140 males that can be sold as broilers.
The tomato plants are growing strong and healthy.
School is in full session, and the students are studying hard. One of the books we brought, or bought, called Gifted Hands by Dr. Ben Carson, has caused alot of reading and passing of the book, once read. It is a true story of Ben, an African-American, who grew up in a impoverised single family, and how at his mother's prompting started him reading at the library. From there, his marks improved so drastically, that he started to feel he could do anything. He is now a world renowned surgeon, taking on some of the most difficult cases worldwide.
Sponsors.....have you written your child this month, yet? All it costs is one stamp, worth $1.65........ a 15 minutes to write.........when your child receives your letter........PRICELESS!!!
Don't have a sponsored child yet? Phone Donna Ball at 604-886-7736
God Bless You.

1 comment:

  1. I am SO glad Reuben is doing SO WELL!!! Praise God.

