Sunday, January 31, 2010
David Sunday January 31ST, 2010
So Mercy Home has a swing set now and I would like to thank those of you back home who contributed what you could to make this project happen. As it turned out the money we raised ended up being pretty much what it cost to build the swing set so thank you!
On Tuesday I was given the job of finding out what paint Mercy home had so that we could paint it. Mercy home had two green paint cans so we took them back along with some of the Mercy Home paintbrushes. We decided to paint it at our place because we figured the kids would get to excited seeing the new swing set and they would get in the way and get especially excited and curious seeing Mzsungus (white people working) because for some reason they don’t think white people should work.
We got home from Mercy Home and I showed Dane the paint I got. Unfortunately the lid was not on properly (my bad) and when Dane lifted to read what kind of paint it was a lot of it spilled all over the cement floor and on the welcome mat in the corridor missing Dane by inches. I began to wonder what to do but couldn’t think of a good plan. Dane was kind of in shock, and then Candice walked into the room and started laughing. We eventually got our act together and realized the cement was painted practically the same green color.All we had to do was mop the spilt paint around evenly and get rid of the old mat. It might have smelt of paint for a bit but it was all good in the end.
On Wednesday Candice, Detty and I started painting the swing set after breakfast (and if I can say so my self I thought we did a darn good job) although, I kind of pulled a Dane and spilt paint all over the grass.... guess what color grass is? Yup, saved again.
On Thursday morning Gershom (the manager) came with the Mercy Home truck and picked up the swing set to bring to the center. We hadn’t painted the seats yet so Candice, Detty and I went to kitale Gibson’s building supplies and bought a small can of blue paint, red paint, and yellow paint so that each swing could have its on color. When we got out to Mercy home we realized that the paint had not really fully dried and that alot of the paint job had been ruined transporting it from home to the center. Now Gershom does drive to fast down the bumpy dirt road to Mercy home but the fact is that it just should have been left to dry longer.
We realized that if we were going to paint the seats at Mercy Home we had no old clothes to paint in. Luckily their were some old stylish paint clothes there (recognize them Edwin?) there were enough paint clothes for two people so Detty sat out and Candice and I got to work. Now as I said before having a new swing set is a tremendous deal for these kids and also the fact that Candice and I were painting was pretty much mind blowing. I was busy painting away when I looked behind me and pretty much the whole school was on a field trip to see the mzungus work. Remarkably Detty had them all in a neat row and she made a line where they were not to cross that that Candice and I had our space and that they wouldn’t touch the wet paint. Candice remarked that with the large crowd watching us that it felt like we were in a competition. The same day we also dug the holes for it to go in and we cemented it.
Friday we really had to keep watch so that the boys would not go on it, because the cement needed to dry but on Saturday we gave in and now since then it’s been in constant use.
Thanks again for those of you who contributed!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A quick hello from mamaDetty
The sunrises and sunsets in Kenya are absolutely magnificent, but far outshining them are the people, especially the children. Everywhere you go the children are so excited to see us mzungus (white people). They above all else have stolen my heart. There is one little girl 12 at Mercy Home who has attached herself to me as my special friend, something they do when someone new comes. Her name is Angelina,she is 12 years old, and very sweet, each time I come to the home, she is there to greet me and make me feel very special. We usually spent a little time together just her and I. Mercy Home is filled with many such children, all very special and just wanting to shower us with love and attention.
On the other side of things are the many poor, hungry and homeless street kids, always begging for food or shillings, some or I should say most of them carrying around there bottles of glue they sniff to ease the pain of hunger. I just want to pick them all up and take them home, but of course this is impossible. That is why what Mercy Home is doing is such a blessing , this is where many of the children have come from. With the help of God and Mercy Home they will grow up to be strong men and women.
Every day here is an adventure, and one thing I have learned, is to be very flexible. This is one of the teams motto’s and a very necessary one, cause no matter how well you plan things, chances are it will take not go as planned. This is not always a bad things, cause God’s plans are not always ours plans and we must be sensitive to His leading.
Candice, David and I are planning a day trip into Eldoride(about a two hour bus ride)some time in the next week, possibly Monday or Tuesday. There we will do some shopping and just look around town. Today we are going to set up the new swing set we had made, thanks to so many of you who donated. Candice, David and I painted it here at the our home yesterday, and it looks pretty awesome. The kids have no idea this is happening and I know they will be thrilled. The big problem will be making them wait for the cement footings to dry. It should be ready to go by Saturday!
I really could go on and on about everything here, but I just mainly wanted to let you know how blessed I feel to be here and help in any way I can with this great work that has been going on here at Mercy Home. God willing I will be able to return again one day, but for now my prayer is God use me in anyway you can.
There now, that wasn't so hard, wonder why I put it off for so to you again soon...God Bless
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Cabbages and Rueben
He had a squirt bottle(plastic water bottle) and was managing to squirt his siblings,and having a good laugh,too. Margaret was to take him for physiotherapy today in Kitale. I sent Samwell, one of our oldest boys, to see what exercises they would suggested. I am hoping she can learn them at home. It is a long way to Kitale for the physio. We shall see how it works out.
The tomatoes are up at least six inches now in the Mercy Home.
The little chicks are doing well, too. The broilers are four weeks old now, so they will look at marketing them soon.
Detty is doing well, learning curve is steep, but we thank God for her coming to join us in Kenya. God is working, as we see His hand daily in our lives.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Rueben goes home-Precious is Born!!
Hi Folks,
Exciting news....Rueben went home from the hospital.Yes! Praise God for answers to prayers. He is walking well and his skin is recovering nicely without a skin graft!
We picked him up yesterday afternoon, but before we did we went to see Esther, our accountant, who was in labour(her first child), she was walking and waiting....We drove Margaret and Rueben home, after getting some supplies for them, and of course, some of the children wanted to come. Detty and I were in the back with 12 eager students, wanting to see where Rueben lived. I think they were a bit surprised at the size of the house, and the lack of furniture. It was a good thing to show our children, because they are truly blessed to have such a life, with sponsors who care!
Margaret was so thankful, she even gave us back drugs and supplies that were NOT used, so Detty will take back the surgical knife, and saline solutions for refunds.
Now to Esther. We got a call this morning to say that little Precious was born,(actually born at 4am,)she weighed 2.9 kg and has a head of hair. I hope to put two pictures on, so the one, is Precious, and the other is Margaret, with her children, all five, and the house where they all live. Even small Sara, from Mercy Home said"They all live in that little house?" But God is good, and we thank Him for His many provisions for that family, and us, as a team.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Rueben part 3 -kuku and Gifted Hands-letters of love
Thanks to all of the Mercy Home supporters for all your prayers. We know that many of you were upholding little Rueben in your prayers.
At the farm, the broilers are gone, more are coming, and there is two hundred layers, and 140 males that can be sold as broilers.
The tomato plants are growing strong and healthy.
School is in full session, and the students are studying hard. One of the books we brought, or bought, called Gifted Hands by Dr. Ben Carson, has caused alot of reading and passing of the book, once read. It is a true story of Ben, an African-American, who grew up in a impoverised single family, and how at his mother's prompting started him reading at the library. From there, his marks improved so drastically, that he started to feel he could do anything. He is now a world renowned surgeon, taking on some of the most difficult cases worldwide.
Sponsors.....have you written your child this month, yet? All it costs is one stamp, worth $1.65........ a 15 minutes to write.........when your child receives your letter........PRICELESS!!!
Don't have a sponsored child yet? Phone Donna Ball at 604-886-7736
God Bless You.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Rueben Part 3
Then she told us the price....5000 shillings! That is alot of money for the average Kenyan to pay, let alone a single Mama. Our team quickly talked, and we went down to the Chemist to buy more cream for his burns. When we went back, we said"Yes" we will bring the money tomorrow morning.
We went on to Mercy Home and talked to all the children, to remember to pray for their Neighbour, little Rueben, as I reminded them the Bible says"Love your Neighbour as yourself".
Today when we arrived to pay the amount, the doctors have decided to wait on the grafting and see how exercising and gently moving the leg would help. So, God does Answer Prayers. Thanks be to God. Keep praying for the other little ones, who are burned on their faces. They truly need Jesus to overcome that burden.
Thanks again for praying for Mercy Home kids and little Rueben, your prayers are being answered. Praise Him!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Rueben Part 2
One bright note, Kathy and Ernie B. sent some toys, so out of the bag, I found 5 small animals, which I gave one to each of the 5 who are suffering from the burns, there was smiles from the mothers....and some of the patients, too.....amidst the pain.
At Mercy Home some desks for Standard eight arrived, and some tables for the Sewing Room, along with sawdust for the chicken coop.
Thanks to all the supporters of Mercy Home, your contributions help so much.
Also those who pray daily, your support is so much appreciated here in Kenya.
The tomatoes are growing, and the sawdust is being laid for the next batch of chickens to come. Praise God for His goodness!
Monday, January 18, 2010
After the service, many of the church family, along with Detty and myself went with the Mercy Home vehicle to see the boy. Margaret lives in a very small house, with only two chairs, it is about the size of a ensuite bathroom in some of your homes.She has 5 small children, and the husband left. Rueben was lying on a cloth moaning. We prayed and quickly got organized to take him to the hospital in Kitale. Once we got there, a man in a blue shirt assessed him, and steered Margaret into a small room, where they immediately saw he needed to be admitted. The little guy was in so much pain. We quickly went to buy the necessary things, such as rubber gloves, saline solution, cream and injection for pain/infection. NO, the hospital has no drugs or supplies. They had forgotten about the tubing for the IV, but we were fortunate, someone had an extra one, so as soon as we got back to his room, they put the IV in. Margaret will spend the days with him until he recovers, as there is NO nurses, or nurse aides to attend these patients. On the same bed was another boy, who had something wrong, and next to Rueben, sat at least three other small children who were also burned , one in the face, a little girl....heartwrenching to say the least.....
To all bloggers, please pray for Margaret, and Rueben, and all the other little ones who are suffering with burns.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
welcome Mama Detty-Mama Eliz.arrives in Australia
It was Candice's 19th Birthday, so after the music, they sang a wonderful and loud Happy Birthday. It was a special day for Candice, and as a team we wish her a great year....her first as an adult, officially.
By Monday, all of our broilers will be sold, as another restaurant,one of our favourites, wants the rest of our broilers. We are happy about this,because it is after Christmas, and people just don't have so much in the way of finances.
I'm at the library with two of our Standard 7 students, two that I promised would come to the Kitale library(in December)but better late than NEVER! A promise is a promise taken seriously, here.(or anywhere, for that matter)
Tomorrow will be Detty's first Sunday at the Mercy Family Church, so I imagine that will be blogged by someone soon.
Nancy Miller has arrived safely in Australia, seeing her son, Jim, and his wife Claire, and her grandchildren, who she hasn't seen for 2 years, so God is good. We really miss your smile, Nancy, and your words of encouragement, but we know you will have a wonderful visit! God Bless You.
On a personal note, I want to thank everyone who has prayed for my ear to get better, it is finally feeling like it is slowly getting back to normal. Thanks be to God.
Monday, January 11, 2010
WE Will Miss YOU, Nancy. God Bless YOU
She has been such an inspiration to us all, never complaining and just jumping on that "High up step" on the bus or matatu. Her friendliness with the people she has met has meant so much to them all. The children will really miss her wide smile and hugs.
She has played the keyboard for us, during devotions each night at our host family's home. She plays by ear, and knows almost everysong we requested.
We wish her a safe trip to Australia, and hope she has a wonderful time visiting her son, daughter in law and grandchildren.
Of course, for the team, it is bittersweet, as we will see her at home in Canada when we come home. And also with Detty Edgecomb coming, another grandma, we are excited to see what impresses her about Kenya, this being her first trip.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Mama Elizabeth Says Good Bye to Kenya and MCCH
Friday, January 8, 2010
Today I met a very nice fellow. His name was Thomas. He was a very, tall man with a quite a long neck and a nice purple tongue. Thomas was very outgoing to all of us and I enjoyed meeting him a lot. Here is pictures of Thomas.
We had finally made some concrete plans to go on a little tourist outing to see African animals at a place called captain Davis a place David Ochana had wanted to take us too for a while since we had been here. As we were just driving through the gate of the place I spotted Thomas the giraffe standing in the field next to the driveway with a bunch of horses. We all gazed out the car window in excitement to see our first giraffe, but because it was standing so still, Trudy refused to believe it was real. When I tried to reason with her and tell her to see that its head was moving from side to side she said, “yes its head is moving from side to side but it’s in a mechanical way because that’s all it does.”
“Ok” I said realizing that I was going nowhere. I mean was it to hard to believe that there were real giraffes in a wildlife park in
We were led on a nice tour of the place, where we saw some gazelles, antelopes, zebras, and second best all behind the giraffe was two rhino’s. These things are pure beast. I was told they weighed around 4400 pounds and around 6 feet tall. Pictures don’t do them justice as to how massive these animal’s were up close. Rhinoceroses are also clever. Did you know they always sleep, eat and even do their business in exactly the same spots every time? The spot they had chosen to always they do their business was the most apparent. Not like cows where they they go everywhere
We spent allot of time with the very friendly Thomas the Giraffe and he seemed to want to get as close to us as possible. A staff member came with some brown sugar squares and it was fun for us to feed him. He would stick his long big purple tongue out and curl it around the squares in our hand and then suck his tongue back in. After amusing ourselves for a while and getting lots of pictures and videos we continue the tour and see the ostriches. But Candice and I didn’t just see them. We rode them. Yup, that’s I got on one of those huge massive birds and rode it like a horse. Sure it was over priced but who in their life can say they have rode an ostriche. Oh and say they also saw a unicorn, except it was really a large gazelles like creature born only with its right horn. Close enough right?