Wednesday, November 4, 2009

An amazing Week!!

Hi folks back home.
Our team is doing well. Today we are checking out the tomato greenhouses at the Showgrounds in Kitale. After the Kuku roof is on at the end of this week we are hoping to get a greenhouse started.
Everyone is healthy now. Praise God for that!
Our weeks go by rather quickly
Last Friday night we had a BBQ at Transformed International headquarters. We met many other missionaries who were doing many different ministries here along with us. It was our first salad for some of us older folks, as we usually don't eat it.(not sure how it is washed and prepared). The steak was tough but we sure enjoyed it!
On the past Saturday we went to visit three of the big girls at their school out of Kimini. They enjoyed our visit and goodies we brought(just in time for exams next week).
On Sunday some of our host family, Laban(nephew and son David) came to our church. They were welcomed and the children enjoyed a new face to hang around with. I was preaching on PurposeDriven Life--how to be a disciple of Jesus.
Last week was an amazing week. Two of Dane and David's Sunday school class students accepted Christ. That same day, one of the congregation a man named John had come forward to accept Christ. Also, several days later, David and Candice had the honor of leading two young people to Christ near our host's home.(watch for more from the young folks about that)
Our Women's church group is meeting at Josephine's place(kimini) this week. This dear lady walks two km. one way to attend our weekly meeting and then walks back home.
posted by Mama Trudy


  1. Great to hear everyone is feeling better now. Sounds like you don't have a lot of spare time on your hands, praise God for the lives that you are touching and for the ones who have already given their hearts to the Lord, that is wonderful news...continue doing the Lords work and do not grow weary, for in due time much fruit will result from your labor...God bless you all...Detty kisses to Candice xoxoxoxox

  2. Glad to hear things are going well! How wonderful to have the oppertunity to lead people to Christ.
    God Bless,

  3. Thank you for your blog posting, Trudy. It is great to hear from you. We continue to pray for the team and for the work and people you are involved with in Kenya. You are all an inspiration to us to live each day in thankfulness to God for the opportunity to serve him in our own family and community. Love to all and David, especially, from Cathy
