Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mama Trude-Book of Ruth/Malaria foes

This is my first posting on the blog. We made it to the internet early today and so I thought I would tell you about our last week.

We celebrated Thanksgiving by taking our Host family out to the Pinewood for supper. It was a Chinese food meal. Hard to know if they enjoyed it or not, but they did thank us alot when they got home.
Our team has been busy trying to remember all the kids names , Nancy Miller has been peer counselling children as Benta the social worker advises her. So far, it has worked great, some of the kids have really responded to the one on one. More smiles all around!
I had my first experience with the Kiminni Hospital as I went with Benta to take sick children. I had a cold and cough that would not get better, so I got tested for Malaria, and they said NO, but gave me drugs for the cough. They are very efficient, and had all of us(three children and I through in under one hour)--results and all. We have had many children sick with Malaria and day scholars as well. One day scholar named Gloria was sent home sick and for two days she was suffering. Dane was leaving one night when Gloria's parents were pushing her up on a boda boda(bicycle).He drove her to Kiminni Hospital and she was admitted. It costs money, which of course, many don't have to treat the dread mosquitoes.
Nancy M. and I went to the ladies fellowship yesterday with Monicah our chaplain. We were greeted by the ladies with open arms, many of the ladies have a one room mud house, and a family of three or four children included.
The chicken coup is coming along nicely. The workers are busy laying the foundation and construction of the walls is next after the man cuts down two big trees. Yes, that is for the wood for the building.
Our Sunday school classes went well. We taught the older students from Standard four up, with David and Candice team teaching with Dane and Nancy and I taught the older girls...from the book of Ruth. Candice and David go to Youth Church with our Host family's son, so we have to teach Sunday school in the afternoon on Sundays.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the detail, Trudy. It sounds like things are progressing. We pray for you and the team each Sunday service, and I'm sure many prayers are ascending from Calvary households as well as from other friends and families. We enjoyed Thanksgiving, and this week Justyn Rees is with us for Saturday and Sunday, leading us in ways to "Love Our Neighbour".
    God's blessings to all the team! ~ Jack
