Friday, October 2, 2009

Enjoying the Welcoming Kenyan People

Hi Everyone.

It's my turn to write a little update. We are at the internet cafe trying every method we know to get our photos onto the blog or our e-mails and have not been successful yet. We (or I should say David and Dane) will keep trying. Things continue to go well for us. We definitely feel your prayers for our health and safety. God has supplied us with a wonderful Kenyan family to live with and our accommodations are very adequate and extremely safe. There are 10 of us around the dinner table each night eating delicious Kenyan food prepared by Helen, our hostess.

Yesterday we helped a young boy who had been 'thugged' the night before while riding his "boda boda" (bicycle taxi) in the dark. The thugs took his money, part of his bike and then knifed him in the leg. We took him to the public hospital where he had stitches and got a prescription. Those are the times when we have opportunities to talk to the people here about God.

Until next time, lots of love to you all.


1 comment:

  1. That's great news guys, we're praying for you...let Dane know that the Habs beat the Leafs in OT in their first game :)
